Of course, as usual, the press gets it wrong. I don't use airbrush. Just good old wet paint and paintbrush and I won't be there all month working. But, it's a nice photo of the painting.
Miami Florida:
First job out of high school is graphic design and copywriting for a T-shirt company. Writes and draws illustrations for underground newspapers. Takes college courses in Radio & TV Production.
New York:
Lives in Hell’s Kitchen and freelances as a graphic artist. Joins Punk Magazine as a contributing editor doing graphics, comic strips, illustrations and hand lettering.
Comes to New Orleans in 1980; city chosen purely by chance. Works in commercial art for local and national companies as a freelancer. Designs graphics for the record industry, the entertainment industry, and the food industry.
Begins to exhibit paintings in the mid 1980s and is encouraged by sales and commissions. Pursues painting, continues to exhibit work.